“Capital isn't that important in business. Experience isn't that important. You can get both of these things. What is important, is ideas." - Harvey Firestone
Jakarta, 12 December 2018 - In the age of new media, where the driving source of social evolution is technology, an established business needs to continue to grow their business by generating new ideas. Ideation is a key commodity in business. Therefore, on 10th December 2018, Debindomulti Adhiswasti held a brainstorming activity as a key component of successful idea generation in the business.
The brainstorming activity provides a quick means for tapping the creativity of the employees. Moreover, the environment encourages an uninhibited, non-judgmental explosion of ideas, concepts, policies, decisions, and strategies.
Debindomulti Adhiswasti did not use the traditional brainstorming, where employees gather in a room and they are required to think of a new idea immediately, as a way to produce new ideas. Instead, we used wishing techniques for the activity.
The management has put employees into some groups. The group contains employees from a different department in the company. Debindo believes different skill sets and experiences will give a great mix of new perspectives and contextual knowledge which help the group to create original and doable ideas.
Employees are encouraged to let their imaginations grow by using a wishing technique. They were asked to come up with wildest and extreme ideas to create new projects. After that, focusing on a selection of project wishes, consider and discuss the ideas in detail, with the aim of triggering new but more realistic concepts to pursue. They were given one week to prepare for the final presentation which was judged by Mr. Dwi Karsonno, Mr. Budiarto Linggowijono, and Mr. Aris Wijaya.
Therefore, here are the winners of Debindomulti Adhiswasti Brainstorming Activity:
First Winner
Group 4
- Vicky Fierezza Octora
- Yandra Budianto
- Mayumi Makino
- Ririn Maewardini
Second Winner
Group 3
- Satwi Purnomo
- Harwin Hartanto
- Vibiadhi Swasti Pradana
- Marlina Wulandari
Third Winner
Group 6
- Sofian Kusnadi
- Nabila
- Pipit Mariana
- Iwan Nurul Japar
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi website kami di www.debindo.com. Jangan lupa untuk mengikuti kami di media sosial resmi untuk tetap mendapatkan informasi terkini: Instagram @debindonetwork dan Facebook Debindo Network.